- Follow the page of @need_supps and like this post.
- Share this publication in your story.
- Make a photo with the same pose Sergi does in the image and post it on your profile.
- Tag @need_supps and use #summerisneed hashtag
- Areas eligible for the contest: Europe
- PRIZE: there will be 3 winners who will receive: a SUMMER IS COMING pack and a shirt signed by Sergi Constance.
- Individuals over 18 years old can participate.
- The contest will only be in INSTAGRAM.
- The profile must be public so we can see the photo.
- The resolution of the contest will be made on Monday June 10 throughout the day.
- Mention will be made of the winners in the same post, who should contact us to provide timely information.
- The winning photos of the resolution of the contest will be random.
- If the following steps are not followed, the publication will not be valid.
- The company reserves the right to postpone or extend the period of the contest in a major case, as well as the power to interpret these terms and legal conditions.
- Employees of the company, affiliates of the brand, fraudulent profiles or expert profiles in contests may not participate.
- Facebook and Instagram are not associated with this contest. The participant will be providing their information and data to BE ESSENTIAL® (UNIVERSALMCGREGOR) and their data will be treated confidentially and collected in an automatic file of personal data.